Be aware of the rise in online used car scams

One of the most interesting results of the covid pandemic is people are now more trusting when it comes to shopping online. However, that opens the door for them to fall victim to scams. Sadly there has been an alarming rise in the number of scammers trying to catch people out with used cars. We want to have a look at it today so you know what to be careful of. Plus, we always recommend you work with a professional car broker or reliable dealer if you want to make a purchase. Continue reading “Be aware of the rise in online used car scams”

A solid Q3 for the used car market in the UK

The latest data from the Society of Motor Manufacturers and Traders (SMMT) is great news for the used car market in the UK. It shows that it grew by an impressive 5.5% in the third quarter of the year. In total 1,884,160 vehicles had a change of ownership during the three months. That will be music to the ears of dealers and everyone involved in car broking because it shows there is a lot of activity in the market. Continue reading “A solid Q3 for the used car market in the UK”

Your guide to car body types

When it comes to selecting a car, drivers have more choices than ever before. This can make it difficult to make your decision. To determine what car is best for you, it is necessary to first establish what you need from one. It could be for local driving or the daily commute. Or, it may be for weekend trips or walking the dogs. This will dictate what sort of car you purchase and what you are asking a dealer or car brokers to look for. Continue reading “Your guide to car body types”

What used cars can a £3,000 budget get you?

Everything has become more expensive in the last few years because of inflation and shortages. However, that doesn’t mean you still can’t find some bargains. This is especially true if you are looking at used cars. We want to explore what a £3,000 budget could get you in the current market. We keep a close eye on prices to ensure we offer the best support for every car broker. Continue reading “What used cars can a £3,000 budget get you?”

The benefits of a pre-purchase car inspection

There are people out there who wish to run their own car broker services. Trouble is they lack the knowledge to do so. We’re a business that can help with this. We do so by providing our ‘How To Become A Successful Car Broker’ package. It has modules to cover everything you need to learn about the business, creating a full suite. If you want to work in broking, it is a wonderful asset. Continue reading “The benefits of a pre-purchase car inspection”