Full Business Package


With the ‘Full Business Package’ you can purchase all nine modules together should you so wish. And if you select this option, you will receive a full 20% discount off the total price.

Business Manual

This is the core module of the ‘Car Broker Business Package’ and comprehensively shows you exactly what you should be doing right from Day One, and then on a day-to-day basis and provides you with a very detailed understanding of the marketplace and how to get your business up and running and profitable quickly and efficiently.

Forms Pack

The ‘Forms Pack’ includes all the essential documents you need for both sellers and buyers. These are all templates that you can use as they are or use them to create your own. This ensures that you don’t miss anything, and everything is recorded. (Very, very helpful)!

Documentation Guide

If you have purchased the ‘Forms Pack’, then this module is for you.

It provides with an extremely comprehensive guide for how you should use all the forms that are available within the ‘Forms Pack’ and how you can modify or change them to suit your own business. (Not essential – but very helpful)!

You could work all this out for yourself, but why should you – when everything you need to understand about what you need to do is right here – and it could save you a lot of time.

Frequently Asked Questions

This module provides you with a great insight into all the questions that have been asked over the years, together with all the answers... and there isn't much else to know about once you've read all of these!

So, we not only acknowledge the questions that customers ask us, but we’re also happy to share this information so that it can and does benefit everyone. It's absolutely invaluable!

Useful Websites

Running your car broking business requires good planning, both now and into the future. So, to help you start off on the right track, this module provides you with a detailed ‘A-Z’ list of very useful websites you can use to help you build your car broking business more quickly, cheaply, and easily (saving you time, money, and effort).

Car Marques Guide

This module provides you with a detailed list of all the current car manufacturers in the UK, providing addresses, phone numbers and website information.

With this information, you will then be able to track all the individual dealerships / retailers for every manufacturer and then begin to establish the details for all the contacts you require at various levels and at every outlet.

Top Tips / Buying and Selling

This module provides you with a really beneficial insight into our top tips for buying and selling cars - some of which you may find invaluable.

It provides information on things that you’ve probably already thought of, but all many that you probably haven’t thought of.

Get You Started Emails

This module will ensure that you start to receive a whole sequence of emails over the first 8 weeks - all of which will provide you with important information with regard to how to get your business set up, what to do and in what sequence - in order to get your business successfully off the ground.

Clearly of course, these emails will relate to you having purchased the ‘Car Broker Business Manual’ in the first instance.

Business Support Package

This module is all about helping you to grow your car broking business as quickly as possible, and if you purchase this Support module, you will receive our full ‘Business Support’ package which includes our unique service to provide confidential advice and support to everyone to help get them up and running with their business.

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What’s Available With The ‘Full Business Package’?

With the ‘Full Business Package’ you can purchase all nine modules together should you so wish. And if you select this option, you will receive a full 20% discount off the total price.

The ‘Car Broker Business Package’ is a complete suite of nine modules (individually priced) that will provide you with a comprehensive array of information manuals, materials and documentation to assist you in setting up your car broking business.

More importantly, we can also provide you with all the support you need to get up and running – and there is a dedicated module you can purchase, just for this.

If you choose this ‘Full Business Package’ option, you will receive all the following modules:

1. Business Manual
2. Forms Pack
3. Documentation Guide
4. Frequently Asked Questions
5. Useful Websites
6. Car Marques Guide
7. Top Tips Guide / Buying & Selling
8. Get You Started Emails
9. Business Support Package

This really is a great offer… if you can take advantage of it.

For a complete guide of what’s available, check out all the car broker modules. (Perfect add-ons to complete the full car broker package).

The ‘core’ module, the Car Broker Business Manual (for example) shows you exactly what you should be doing on a day-to-day basis and provides you with a very detailed understanding of the marketplace and how to get your business up and running and profitable quickly and efficiently.

Together, all the materials provide you with a wealth of information and documentation to guide you in your new business venture. If you require additional ‘one-to-one’ support then that is available as well.