After your initial investment in these Car Broker Modules, then of course you will need some additional funds to get your business up and off the ground and running successfully.
Obviously, you will be able to make significant savings because you are running your business from home, but if you want to give your new business the best possible chance of success there are certain costs that you cannot ignore.
For instance, there are certain ongoing costs associated with marketing that you will incur (setting up a website for example). You will also need to purchase particular car valuation trade price guides, and other materials to help run your new business. As a rough guide, you could keep your first costs down to £5,000 - £6,000, particularly if you're on a tight budget. But ideally, we would normally recommend that you should budget for anywhere between £8,000 - £10,000 for your overall first-year costs. This can (and does) vary enormously though, depending on how people approach this and their individual circumstances, particularly with regard to their personal needs and requirements. Everyone is different, and we respect that.
Now this may sound quite a lot of money, but in reality, when you remember that this is your very own brand-new business, then you want to ensure that you are giving it every chance of success. First impressions and perception is everything to your customers, particularly when you're building a new business. And don't forget of course - that much of this cost would be spread throughout the year.
And... remember, you're only sourcing cars - you're not actually having to buy, store or insure any cars - so there's no financial outlay (or risk) there - and we will show you the best places to go and look for great car broking deals.
So, if you've ever wished you could start to earn some extra income from a few hours a week part-time, or you're looking to start your own business, then this could be the ideal opportunity for you.
But always remember... starting any new business means showing the right commitment to your new enterprise, be this financial or otherwise.
With the whole Car Broker Business Package being available in modules, you don't need everything at Day One!
The principal module of course is the Car Broker Business Manual - as this is the 'core' of the system. This comprehensively shows you exactly what you should be doing right from Day One, and then on a day-to-day basis and provides you with a very detailed understanding of the marketplace and how to get your business up and running and profitable quickly and efficiently.
Everything you need to know about running your new car broker business is detailed in here.
We would recommend purchasing either this first, or perhaps the Frequently Asked Questions module – indeed this provides you with a great insight into all the questions that have been asked over the years, together with all the answers… and there isn’t much else to know about once you’ve read all of these!
So, we not only acknowledge the questions that customers ask us, but we’re also happy to share this information so that it can and does benefit everyone. It’s absolutely invaluable!
Currently the FAQ document within this module runs to over 40 pages, so is extremely comprehensive in the level of questions & answers that are available.
But don't forget... if you do buy all the modules together at the outset, you get a 20% discount off the normal RRP - so worth bearing in mind!
And of course... you can spread your payments when you purchase through PayPal. If you pay over three months then it's completely interest FREE, and if you want to spread your payments over a longer period of time, you can discuss this with PayPal and agree terms that suit you.
You just have to know what you're doing. So, take things slowly and follow everything we show you. With the whole Car Broker Business Package being available in modules, you don't need everything at Day One!
But what these modules will do is give you all the information you need to get your business up and running.
Do everything that we say, and you won’t go too far wrong.
And you needn’t be alone either, because if you purchase the ‘Business Support Package’ module, then this will ensure that we will be there to support you and provide you with all the advice, guidance and help that you need.
At the end of the day, this is why it's essential to work with people who know exactly what's required to be successful, and to get the maximum rewards for your efforts.
You could build up your car broking business without ever leaving home - but it is really important to still see what's happening all around you, so let's look at sellers and buyers in turn.
Sellers - Of course they could be anywhere in the country (indeed they could even be in another country), so too far away and it's likely that you will never get to meet most of them. But if they do happen to live locally (say within 25-40 miles of where you live), then that's different - and it would certainly be very worthwhile going to meet them in person and to view the car yourself that they’re looking to sell.
Buyers / Dealers - It is certainly important to visit some dealerships (both network franchises and certainly independent specialists), again say within a 25–40-mile radius of where you live - to introduce yourself to the buyers there. Explain who you are, what you do and the service that you can provide - which is to help them to source the cars they need - either for stock or to fulfil any particular customer requirements.
And whilst you're there - don't forget to leave some business cards!
It's all about getting yourself 'out there', getting yourself and your business known, enhancing your 'presence'. and gradually building your network of contacts.
TOP TIP - First impressions count for so much - and typically you have just one chance to impress! Wear appropriate business attire. Most people who work in car dealerships dress smartly - so you need to do the same. Make sure you come across as credible and professional.
Of course you can!
In fact, that's how we recommend you begin. If you’re in full-time employment, we'd encourage you to start off part-time, and build up gradually. That way you keep your current job, still have a regular income, and you're not putting yourself under too much financial pressure in the early days, weeks and months.
All you really need to get started is a few hours a week, because to begin with you need to get yourself organised, do your due-diligence and conduct all the research you need to do. This can be done in the evenings and at weekends as most of this work can be done online.
Just remember, there is a lot of work involved in any realistic and worthwhile business and this potential car broking opportunity is no exception. But the fact remains that you can at least start your car broking business from home in your spare time, without leaving your current job.
YOU will make the decision to go full-time, but only when it's right for YOU - and not before!
This business is no different to anything else around - in that if you're not passionate about the products you're dealing with - then you won't succeed.
In this case it's cars of course. And there is so much to learn about the cars that you will be dealing with, that if you don't love cars and are passionate about cars - then you won't succeed. Do something else!
BUT... if you do and you are, then hopefully if you've read everything on this website, then you should have a good 'feel' as to whether this business is for you.
Equally by now, you should also have a good understanding of what car broking is all about, how it works, and how you can make a good income from it.
Unfortunately, a lot of people make outrageous claims about their products and make claims they can’t back up with facts. We don't make any false promises, and you're not pressurised to make a decision, or indeed do anything.
We like to think that this business speaks for itself. There are no restrictions on how or where you operate - and we're there to support you all the way!
Yes, it takes hard work to succeed but it all depends on your own situation. Like any business, you only get out what you're prepared to put in!
Once you're established - then by working relatively consistently throughout the week, you should be able to source and sell on at least two or three cars per week, so anything from £500 to £1,000 a week is possible - perhaps more!
Everything is dependent on the car itself of course, its age, its condition, its value etc - but if you're brokering high value cars (for example) then your commission could potentially be in the £Ks - but every deal will be different.
It's about knowing the business, knowing your customers and seeking out those great deals that are always out there - but it's always about putting in the effort to find them.
But remember... even if you sourced and sold on just ONE car a week at a £250 fee, that's still some £13,000 per year - and that's just for starters. Two cars a week means upwards of £25,000 a year. Just three cars a week and you’re close to £40,000 a year - and that's just from dealing in the volume sector.
As for "How Soon?", well you could be up and running in a matter of days.
But let's also be realistic here! This is a new business for you, and it will take time as there is a lot to do in the initial weeks. So, 2-3 months is more realistic. Like anything else in life, you only get out what you're prepared to put in.
But the good news is a viable way of starting up your own business! You can realistically expect to earn anything from £250 - £1,000 per week (and possibly more). On average, you should normally make a minimum of £250 for each successful deal you broker - but it can easily be more.
Whichever way you look at this, at least you can have some realistic and achievable goals. But as regards your potential earnings, why limit yourself? Your income is only limited by how much you want to succeed! If you want to do it part-time, great. However, if you want to really go for it, and work hard, those earnings could rise to £25,000, £40,000, £50,000 a year - or even more.
No, you're not! This is not a franchise where you only have a designated territory to work in. You can trade anywhere!
This is YOUR business - so you have complete freedom and there are no restrictions placed on you at all. You can work wherever you want, source cars from wherever or whoever you want and find buyers from wherever you want.
Equally, because this is not a franchise operation, there are no additional payments that you have to make to Auto Car Brokers – no commission on sales, no royalty payments, nothing!
In a word, no! As you’ve seen, the used car market is huge (with over 7 million vehicles bought and sold every year in the UK alone), so it’s highly unlikely you’ll ever be in competition with anyone else.
There are literally thousands of used cars changing hands every day so the opportunities are enormous.
Being a broker is a fairly unique role in that there are not many brokers around - so you have the opportunity to create a real niche for yourself.
It's an ideal time to get started.
Re-visit our Car Broking Page - which helps to explain the overall concept.
Second-hand car sales have risen over the last couple of years, boosted by a sharp increase in the number of used electric vehicles on the market.
Electric car sales were "energising" the market, the SMMT said.
The most popular models overall were the Ford Fiesta, Vauxhall Corsa, and Volkswagen Golf. But consumers appeared keen to snap up more environmentally-friendly cars where possible, the latest figures from the Society of Motor Manufacturers and Traders (SMMT) showed.
"Zero emission vehicles [are] starting to filter through in larger numbers to consumers looking forward to driving the latest and greenest vehicles," Mike Hawes, SMMT chief executive, said.
"Although there is some way to go before we see the recent growth in new EVs replicated in the used market, a buoyant new car market will be vital to help drive fleet renewal which is essential to the delivery of carbon savings," he said.
Sales of used battery electric vehicles (BEVs), which run purely on electric power, grew from 6,625 to 14,586 in the first three months of the year, a rise of 120.2% from a year earlier.
Plug in hybrids (PHEVs) and hybrids (HEVs) which together make up a larger share of the used car market also changed hands in greater numbers, totalling just under 50,000 vehicles.
Smaller models continued to be more popular for buyers in the second-hand market. Larger multi-purpose vehicles (MPVs) , declined by 7.5%, followed by luxury saloons which were down 3.4%.
Black was the most popular colour choice accounting for one in every five cars sold.
'Prices are soaring'
A shortage of semiconductors and other electronic components was still holding back supply in the new car market, said David Leggett, editor of specialist news site 'Just Auto'.
He said it was therefore unsurprising that there had been a boom in the second-hand market. "The prices of used cars have soared over last 12 months," he said.
The ramp up in sales of second-hand electric vehicles in particular was set to continue over the next few years as more new stock fed through to the used car market, Mr Leggett added.
"We are at a fairly early stage still in terms of the impact of BEVs on the new car market and seeping through to the stock of cars out there," he said.
As challenges within the electric car market over charging and consumer hesitation over adapting to the technology recede, he predicted a "transformation" of first the new and then used car markets.
Used car prices have risen, generally, by 30-40% in the last two years, according to KPMG.
Richard Peberdy, UK Head of Automotive, KPMG, said: "Used car prices have been soaring like never seen before."
"The increasing cost of living is cooling the used car market slightly, but demand still remains high and is likely to continue to until the issues impacting new car production are resolved and more supply enters the used car market," he said.